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Opportunity knocks: Make the most of your space with an oak-framed business venture

Since covid travel restrictions lifted, the humble ‘staycation’ has never proved more popular. 

Nothing beats a rural getaway or a luxury retreat in the heart of the Great British countryside.

Perhaps like our clients below, you want to capitalise on land you own. Or you’re looking to fulfil a lifelong dream and earn a second income.

Maybe, both.

Seeing what’s possible is the first step towards realising your dream and making it a reality.

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The perfect high-end rural retreat in Leicestershire

Stop in the Sticks – a garden barn retreat in rural Leicestershire

The idea behind Stop in the Sticks was born when Mark and Sarah decided to create income from dormant land adjoining their country farmhouse. They spotted an opportunity to create a commercial holiday cottage.

Perfect for a high-end rural retreat, they self-built their very own, cottage-style Garden Barn.

Read more about Mark and Sarah’s oak framed journey.

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Rural Passivhaus retreat and home in Worcestershire

Malvern B&B – a luxurious getaway in the rolling Malvern Hills

Andrew and Linda moved from Kent to Linda’s childhood home of Malvern. Having dreamt of running a B&B for many years, they knew now was their time to do so.

After spending a year finding the perfect plot for their purposes, they built Malvern B&B, a bespoke oak framed home with an upside-down interior so their guests could immerse themselves in their panoramic views.

Learn more about Andrew and Linda’s experience.

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Iain and Karen chose to build an oak framed lodge as the “flagship” property at their resort

The Woodcutter’s Lodge – a flagship lodge in the wilds of Scotland

Perfectly positioned on the Gadgirth estate, nestled between Scottish woodland and the bank of the River Ayr, sits The Woodcutter’s Lodge. The ‘piece de resistance’ at Iain and Karen’s exclusive holiday resort.

The majesty of their oak frame enhances the luxurious ambience they’ve created. Two years in, they’re already seeing a return on their initial investment.

Read Iain and Karen’s story here.

Key insights for landowners looking to design a business opportunity around an oak frame

Feeling inspired? Here are our three top tips for strategic success

Think of your project as a capital investment

For Andrew and Linda at Malvern B&B, Passivhaus energy efficiency certification was a crucial consideration in their purchase and business model.

Their initial investment in the highest of building performance standards will continue to save them money in energy costs for many years.

Seek specialist support from the start

In all three cases, enlisting support from our teams early on kept things running smoothly.

Particularly for Andrew and Linda, whose Passivhaus certified oak frame required specialised planning consent, working with our teams from the outset gave them peace of mind throughout the process.

Build bespoke

A bespoke property ensures your business has exactly what you need. You’ll be sure you build the perfect experience around the needs of your future guests or patrons.

All three of our featured businesses would agree that nothing beats delighting guests’ senses and exceeding their expectations with the beauty of their internal and external surroundings.

Are you contemplating a journey with oak?

Read our latest case studies, or peruse our storybook, Poems.

Contact us

Want to discuss plans for your own oak frame project, organise a visit to our workshops, book a stay in our show home or just gain some advice? Please get in touch.

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